When experience matters, don’t leave your future to chance.

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Photo of Professionals at JMG, PLLC

When experience matters, don’t leave your future to chance.

What can parents do to help their children during a divorce?

On Behalf of | Aug 24, 2023 | Family Law |

As a parent, you likely worry often about your children’s mental health. You may be asking, how might current events affect your children in the future? One such event might be your divorce. 

Divorce will change your children’s entire world, which can be scary at first. You may be able to help your children during this difficult time by considering the following:

Consider the ages of your children

You may have children of various ages. Each of your children will likely handle the divorce differently depending on their ages.

For example, a toddler may not realize the complexity of the divorce. They will likely notice things change around them, such as where they’re living and how their parents may not be living together anymore.

However, a grade-schooler will see some of the complexities of the divorce and ask more questions. A teenager or young adult will understand what divorce means and may react negatively toward the news. It’s often hard to know how children might react to the news of divorce, but knowing how much you need to prepare them for your divorce may depend on their ages. 

Talk about the divorce early and often

It often helps to talk about your divorce once the process begins. Once you and your soon-to-be-ex spouse have started discussing child custody and other matters, it may be time to tell your children. Furthermore, your children may ask many questions since the process can take some time. If they do, you may want to update them on any changes since you last talked to them.

As you work out a child custody arrangement, you may need to review your legal rights as a parent. Having a detailed plan can help establish the future of your children’s upbringing.