Getting into college takes a lot of work, and your college education is expensive. Even if they gave themselves some time in between graduating high school or worked full-time while enrolled in college, many students still wouldn’t be able to balance all the typical financial obligations of college along with their tuition.
These extreme costs explain why many students must take out student loans to afford their higher education. If you receive financial aid that aids you in covering your tuition, then you don’t want to do anything to jeopardize your access to those funds.
Drug charges could put your enrollment in college on the line for two different reasons. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:
Your school may have an anti-drug policy
Many colleges and universities have rules that students, faculty members and staff must abide by or otherwise potentially face dismissal. The Univerity of Tennessee, for example, has a Student Code of Conduct that allows university leadership to kick a student out of the school for any number of drug-related offenses. While you can appeal the school’s decisions, there’s no guarantee that they’ll reverse their decision.
Drug charges may also give way to you losing financial aid
Many students don’t realize that a drug charge may result in their financial aid being withdrawn until they receive a letter from their school notifying them of the problem.
You must re-qualify for federal student loans each year. One of the questions on the application asks about whether you’ve been convicted of a drug offense. If you answer “no” and you have been, then you risk facing perjury charges. If you answer “yes,” then U.S. Department of Education (DOE) officials could suspend your aid until after you’re released from prison or drug rehabilitation program (or both). The DOE may also have you repay any student loan funds you received during the semester you committed a drug offense.
You might derail the pursuit of your degree if a judge or jury convicts you on drug charges. A conviction can negatively affect your future career prospects, as well. This is why you must aggressively fight your charges. Your future is riding on it.